Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thoughts on Forgiveness

I work from 10 pm to 6 am and I must admit that get tired but the Lord really works late at night :)
This is something I was write last time....
Well it's now 5 am and I am over the "oh my word its late" hump. I am excited to be in bed in an hour and a half.
After tonight I must admit I am so glad for Christ's example of forgiveness. A person I have met lately is sooo bitter. I am sad because I just can't figure out how best to share the gospel with her.
If I ever become a bitter unforgiving person someone, anyone please slap some sense into my head.
When faced with Christ forgiving people of punishment they deserved somehow all the rest of life's difficulties and hardships pale in comparison. He had done nothing, absolutely nothing to justly cause anyone to harm Him. Perfection himself was here and not only did we kill Him we refused to acknowledge His presence.
Even the best man must admit that they have perhaps done something to ignite a quarrel or some other horrid event that causes angry feelings to flourish. I have to admit they are often present within myself. If they were not I think I would worry. Within every human I believe that man craves a mended relationship.
However, without God and the Holy Spirit's work in our lives it is impossible. It is absurd to forgive apart from God. Of course I am referring to true forgiveness. Not the kind we may give as children when we grit our teeth and say "I'm sorry."
I am talking about the Psalms 103: 12 type of forgiveness where it says "As far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us."
Not that we can truly ever reach that ideal of of forgiveness this side of eternity, but we have an obligation. Because of our relationship with Christ and our desire to be just like Him to forgive like Him is our aim.
Our aim should be to wake up and live each moment in an attitude of grace and forgiveness seeking to view others as Christ viewed them. In His image.
How often do we look at others and instead see their failures in life that affected us and hurt us? I am not arguing that we should blankly start over and forget all our past. As if somehow all Christians should be a doormat. But I would argue that it takes just as much and more to choose to forgive someone as it takes to indulge in one's anger towards another.
Of course I understand and realize that forgiveness is never complete till it is received. But as much as it depends on you if you are working to forgive and watching your heart attitude it will show. We are told to love our enemies and to heap burning coals on His head. (Prov 25:22). When we do this and even without our doing this, the Holy Spirit works and convicts people of their sin and then that forgiveness can truly be completed.
I really have no idea why I am writing this either. I just need to rant about something I am passionate about.
SO excuse me,
Caolae Jenniemarie Siler